Translate theatre subtitles using AI

Or - invite your translator directly into your project in Captitles.
Available for macOS and Windows.

Set what translations you want in your project


Choose language to be translated to


Go make yourself a cup of tea

Translation may take few minutes.

You have translated captions!

Try it out yourself!

"Captitles brought a new level of professionalism to our captioning. It's a must-have for any theater"
Sarah Williams
Theater Manager, Opaline Drama Society
"Notre public multilingue apprécie les traductions précises. Captitles a amélioré nos surtitres, renforçant notre inclusivité."
Jean-Luc Moreau
Director, Collectif Scénique Lumineux
"Captitles changed our captioning process. Its AI-driven script conversion saved us countless hours."
Emily Clarke
Stage Manager, Echo Arts Center
"Switching to Captitles was a smart move. It's reliable and user-friendly, even for complex productions."
Thomas Leclerc-Bradley
Dramaturg, Théâtre de la Lune
"As a Lighting Designer, syncing lights with captions was seamless with Captitles. It's impressively versatile."
Alex Mercer
Lighting Designer, Oak Theatre
"Captitles' user interface is incredibly operator-friendly, making last-minute changes smooth and stress-free."
Alexander Girard
Professional Surtitler

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